The First of The Final
The begining of the 3rd A-level semester began with me climbing up 6 floors to B701B (KBu lifts are very inefficient) to find the classroom dark and locked. After calling Shahir who is in the cafe, I made my way there and we both were wondering why didnt the college give us our schedules for this semester before the previous one had ended. Then we spotted Dwight with the July '06 hectic schedule (in the pic). We had chemistry first at B309. So after reaching there, we saw like a BILLION students in the class. Ms. Jaclyn were nudging us in, after her footsteps came to a halt behind us. So we when in and were bewildered at the size of our Unit4: Periodicity, Quantitative Equilibria and Funtional Groups Chemistry class. I was wondering on how come Jaclyn was willing to take on 50 students from 3 different intakes of A-Level all at once. After chemistry, we went to B701B for Mathematics: Statistics 1. Ms. Kong briefed us on this VERY interesting subject before it was time for biology which was when Sineni walked in fancily late as he always does. Ms. Jane who is our biology lecturer and I had a lot to complain about the new A-Level coordinator, Mr. David York who is also the A-Level Further Mathematics lecturer. This David guy had quite an attitude when I went to take my copy of the schedule. Ms. Jane btw thinks he's a dork ^_^.
After biology, Shahir, Sineni and I went to 1U where Shahir needed to go to the bank. Whilst Sineni and I waited outside RHB, we were discussing about cute guys (Sineni's str8 btw) when this guy in a yellow shirt (see pic) walked pass us. He had an EXTREMELY cute ass! After Shahir was done in the bank, we went to KFC for lunch when my phone displayed "Kevin's Mobile Calling". I answered the call to a groggy "Hello..." and to hear that he couldn't make it for lunch as nobody was home to bring him to 1U. So after ending the call, we finished lunch and went to the arcade. Shahir had to go back to college for his first Further Maths class, so Sineni and I got some tokens and were playing our usual games. I was stunned to be able to score the High Score in Baroque Hoedown in Taiko no Tatsujin5 ( A percussions game). Having had my name written ( in Japanese) with a matter of random character select, Sineni and I left the arcade and went to MPH where the irritating salesman couldn't differentiate the "Engineering" from the "New Age" section. Feeling slightly annoyed, we left MPH and decided to go back. Sineni needed me to drop him home =.= and on the way there, he had so many questions about my car, from its functions to its price and accessories. And I thought he was the car expert. After depositing Sineni, I then headed home.

After biology, Shahir, Sineni and I went to 1U where Shahir needed to go to the bank. Whilst Sineni and I waited outside RHB, we were discussing about cute guys (Sineni's str8 btw) when this guy in a yellow shirt (see pic) walked pass us. He had an EXTREMELY cute ass! After Shahir was done in the bank, we went to KFC for lunch when my phone displayed "Kevin's Mobile Calling". I answered the call to a groggy "Hello..." and to hear that he couldn't make it for lunch as nobody was home to bring him to 1U. So after ending the call, we finished lunch and went to the arcade. Shahir had to go back to college for his first Further Maths class, so Sineni and I got some tokens and were playing our usual games. I was stunned to be able to score the High Score in Baroque Hoedown in Taiko no Tatsujin5 ( A percussions game). Having had my name written ( in Japanese) with a matter of random character select, Sineni and I left the arcade and went to MPH where the irritating salesman couldn't differentiate the "Engineering" from the "New Age" section. Feeling slightly annoyed, we left MPH and decided to go back. Sineni needed me to drop him home =.= and on the way there, he had so many questions about my car, from its functions to its price and accessories. And I thought he was the car expert. After depositing Sineni, I then headed home.

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