Friday, June 30, 2006

Seen Effects of Solar Flares and Prominences

The aurora borealis (the Northern Lights) and the aurora australis (the Southern Lights) have always fascinated mankind, and people even travel thousands of miles just to see the brilliant light shows in the earth's atmosphere. The auroras, both surrounding the north magnetic pole (aurora borealis) and south magnetic pole (aurora australis) occur when highly charged electrons from the solar wind interact with elements in the earth's atmosphere. Solar winds stream away from the sun at speeds of about 1 million miles per hour. When they reach the earth, some 40 hours after leaving the sun, they follow the lines of magnetic force generated by the earth's core and flow through the magnetosphere, a teardrop-shaped area of highly charged electrical and magnetic fields.
As the electrons enter the earth's upper atmosphere, they will encounter atoms of oxygen and nitrogen at altitudes from 20 to 200 miles above the earth's surface. The color of the aurora depends on which atom is struck, and the altitude of the meeting.
Green - oxygen, up to 150 miles in altitude
Red - oxygen, above 150 miles in altitude
Blue - nitrogen, up to 60 miles in altitude
Purple/violet - nitrogen, above 60 miles in altitude All of the magnetic and electrical forces react with one another in constantly shifting combinations. These shifts and flows can be seen as the auroras "dance," moving along with the atmospheric currents that can reach 20,000,000 amperes at 50,000 volts. (In contrast, the circuit breakers in your home will disengage when current flow exceeds 15-30 amperes at 120 volts.)
The auroras generally occur along the "auroral ovals," which center on the magnetic poles (not the geographic poles) and roughly correspond with the Arctic and Antarctic circles. There are times, though, when the lights are farther south, usually when there are a lot of sunspots. Sunspot activity follows an 11-year cycle.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Outing at Midvalley Megamall

Marwick came today at 11:45 to pick me for our date at MV. We went to old town for lunch first, but it was inconvenient cause of the lack of parking space, so we went to eat in State Newtown instead, in front of my old tuition centre, PMB(Pusat Bimbingan Nirmala) at Restaurant OK. The pic to the right shows you our very famous State Newtown.
Aah what fun times we had when we were still school goin children and lived by the simple rules of the horribilus school we attended. Nothing more to worry about than the current grade and the school popularity squad that irritated us every now and then. Now that we are grown up, we have to think about more important matters... What we are going to study, how we are going to pay for it, and our futures etc. It never occured to how how old I am by the standards of age that I set which I, at the time, thought is what defines the old and young. Our batch of school goin' lads and lasses are currently 20 years old. And to those which are in the same batch as me, I am here to remind you of it. @_@. Since we are 20 already, all we have to do now to complete our life is to find a partner to reproduce with, or for the queers, be happy with, live a gruelling adult's work life, and see our children off to university(to those that have children) and die. How time seems to fly, as my friend Marwick told me this morning during brunch. The pic to the left shows the portal to the nesting ground of the Nirmala. You better be always ready so as to not be caught off-guard when the Nirmalalings attack. You have been warned.

After lunch, we ventured off to Marwick's college for him to collect his reciept, then to MV to carry out our day's activities. On the way there, I took a picture of the weird coloured sky. It looked like we were on the set for War Of The Worlds.

The sky brightened up considerably when we were nearing MV at the turnoff from the Federal Highway. It looked almost normal...

We entered the MV carpark grounds and there we were lookin for space to park in. As Marwick couldnt find a proper space to park at, he parked at a little corner which looked kind of creepy. All said and done, we left the car to head towards the escalator. But halfway through our walk there, there was a momentary shudder on the ground below us. Everyone was running everywhere, and panicked for a second, but it proved to be nothing.

Lookin for a parkin' space...

Above is a video of Marwick in a state of panic AAAA ALIENS!!! *-*Welcome to Midvalley Megamall ^^
We first headed to the cinema, as we had planned to watch a movie, but the queue was quite long so we decided to come back later, and we headed off to the arcade. After exchanging tokens, Marwick went to play that policeman gun thingie where you have to move your body if you want to hide, and he is so expert at it =_= but lost anyways. So then we continued on to play Time Crisis 3. And the boss in the 2nd level is like.. FKIN CHEAT. LAME OMFG. So we advanced to the Vampire Hunter shooter game and lost as well haha. That game is so fked up. Marwick and I then hovered around the arcade machines and Marwick went to play Soul Caliber, and lost the 6th round because one of the buttons was'nt workin'. I finished up by playin TAIKO NO TETSUJIN 4, first playing GENGHIS KHAN then some LAME song that made me lose hua hua hua hua hua.

See? I can flutter better than you thought.

Policeman Marwikos.


Typical Thursday.

Usual exhibition.

We made our way to the Ground Floor to have a drink at those fancy coffee shops, and considered The Book Cafe inside MPH, but decided against it and went to Starbucks in the end. I drank a Raspberry Fruppacino and Marwick drank a cuppa LOL.

Marwick my darling left, and me, right.

This cup costed RM8.

Marwick posing.

Then we walked around, and I tried to ask around for the Freshlook Cosmetic Contacts by CIBA Vision, and D-Image is like.. CON PPL. They sell the permanent contacts for 450 when other shops sells it for 380 WTF. Anyways, Marwick went around to shops that sold Hotlink Prepaid starter packs for his Euni, but couldnt find the number he wanted, so didnt get it.
And here we are leaving Megamall...

Think hearing aids, think Siemens.

Have we been warped to another dimension?

Spooky corner...

Goodbye MV.

So then thats it. We ended the day by having a drink at Raju's then Marwick departed for home. And so that is another day written down in ink of the queer life of the person you know and love, Kevin.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

They just don't get it, do they?

It was a Thursday evening and I was at my gym. Being early in the evening, there were harldy any people working out... Even my friend who is a trainer there wasn't in. So I boringly completed my sets and as I was walking back to the changing room... I saw another trainer sitting alone at one corner... So i decided to have a little chat with him since he looked pretty friendly. So we were having casual conversations when somehow the topic of conversation changed to "feminine men". I was quite taken aback to hear what he had to say about men like that. The way he was talking about those kinda guys gave me the impression that he was cursing demonic creatures. Although I'm not feminine, I'm gay. So I was getting quite pissed hearing him. I told him that it wasn't really their fault as they are genetically made up like that. He kept on going about why can't all men act like masculine. He also had a lot of crap to say about how he disagrees on the recent approval of gay marriages in the UK. So I kept quite and just listened...didn't say much.

Later, this devious looking guy walks into the gym...apparently he was interested in finding out the rates. What so extraordinary about this character is that he had waist length hair, worn in dreadlocks that was tied in a pony tail. The trainer I was with suddenly broke into silent laughters while looking at that guy...loud enough for only both of us to hear. So I was like, "Come on, you're gonna make him feel bad". And he just shook his head, still laughing...

So I just said "Well, I got to go now. See you later" and then went into the changing room.

I mean, what is wrong with people (Malaysians especially) ? Why can't they just accept the variations of organisms of their own species. Do they actually expect everyone to be the same? Isn't that like so totally impossible? I mean homosexuality is just another form of love... As we all know that there are so many ways one can love someone. I don't intend on changing the views of the public on homosexuality but I do hope that people learn to accept their fellow family members and friends who aren't straight even if it does seem unnatural.

A victim of the fashion designer

well, i decided to post these few pictures due to its hidden contents,
u will knw wat i mean....

do you see what i see..the revealing truth!!!

the revealing truth about the fashion industry...bahahahah!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Just for starters

It just hurts to see a blog empty, unupdated and hollow with words of emotions and feelings of the heart...and that is why i am here, being the 1st and i most definitely hope not the only post that will be available until the end of July. Let's just go straight to the point at this moment, i am here today because undeniably i am intrigued by the title of the blog which was decided yesterday...somehow i am aroused to an extent where i even day-dream of what should be written in this post, who should i talk about in this post and etc...i am indeed excited due to one word in the title, the word Q-U-E-E-R...yes i am fascinated with that word and am proud to a certain extent to admit it.

Well, the title of the blog evidently offers enough info to anyone who comes across it to get an idea that this blog caters to the gay and ungay people of the society. Ironically, i see the community splited into 2 main categories this day...mind me if i forget about the homeless, poverty stricken community...but i am not here to discuss about that issue, no matter how inhuman that may sound. Back to the 2 categories, well, it is basically made up of a group of queers and a group of unqueers. That is the bigger picture of the community and in this 2 categories, we have the other sub-categories as well, such as the homeless, the rich, the working class people and ladida. I did forget about the semi-queer, but a friend once said that semi-queers are people on the verge to turning fully queer...honestly i dont really agree but they are somewhere in between i suppose.

As we all can see, is very obvious that the queer community is getting larger day by day and its influence is becoming more and more evident. Unqueer males are taking on the lifestyle of the queer males and be known as the ever fashionable metro-sexuals that are often mistaken as gays..what a pity..honestly i am also a person being sucked into this vortex of magnetic gay radiation as i have become someone who embraces the queer as! im not stepping out of the closet or box or wtv...ok maybe i pharse it wrongly, but i have become a person who find a great deal of interest in gay men..or men who acts gay or anything in that particular category. I sure hope in the future, they will be other people like myself as it is painful to share this with other people who are not really in sync with this matter of mine

I know this may sound terribly weird but the sight of a dandy looking male with well groomed hair, stylish clothes,a heavenly facial structure reminiscent to a females and a delicate attitude to match just pumps extra blood to my brain, turning my senses to an alert mode and begin to stare with excitement at the specimen many here in Malaysia still could not quite accept. I just cannot help but wish to be in the presence of the particlar depends also how much of the feminine side he the saying goes, too many cooks can spoil a pot of soup.Well, you get the idea right? A particular famous queer does the same thing whenever he use to appear every Thursday on travel and adventure at 10....

Yes! yes! it is indeed the undoubtly queer Austin Scarlett...i am used to seeing the eye-rolling effects, weird stares, and open mouth expressions of people when i tell them witout feeling shy that i seriously thing Austin is hensem...ahahaha..ya seriously. I never missed an episode of Project Runway and will catch the repeats again if i got a chance just to see Austin. In that particular one hour programme, i am in lalaland and in the midst of going absolutely going insane. His swag, his walk, his talk, his clothes and his designs just fascinates me. Well, i do watch the programme due to its content as well on fashion design, but Austin is the main focus of course. There was one episode where he applied blue eyeshadow on his deep set of blue eyes and i remembered my family members mock and screamed in horror when they got the 1st sight of him...staying cool, quiet and in still in lalaland, i gaspe in awe looking at every detail of his face...goodness, it was something to me, that is if anyone could understand my state of mind regarding this.

Ok..that is the queer man of project runway and someone i will not ever meet in my life as it is simply a fairytale of an hours' programme. If i were to put it into the context or reality, everyday life, there isn't a single queer that is available for me to look, stare or gaze at because there is simply none that will ever look the way of a women...never, never never..and the reason is pretty simple as well, we are talking about queer men here....i repeat queer. Now, back to what i have said without shame earlier, i am a fan of the queer devastating is that.
Honestly, it is devastating and difficult at times as you know never will there be a chance of anything happening between you and the particular queer you fancy. That leads to regret, self-hate, emotional breakdowns and the worse of its kind..the act of denial...and i have become a victim of all of the above. Such a 360 turn from Austin land to reality huh? Guess that is life.
A fix is definitely in need as this is rather unhealthy i must admit i need a cure. End of story

which is more wrong? to love a queer or to hate one

Monday, June 26, 2006


From the queer lives of gay people to the unqueer habits of normal people. Our blog tells tales from different walks of life of people who live in different places. It will show you perhaps a love story between a couple or a shocking death of a friend. This blog lays out all the differently emoted chapters in a book all in one page. This is, a quarter of tales.


"Will you lay down your own
story?" -TaintedAvery